•  *Learn The Secrets of The Credit Sweep
  • *Understand The Banking and Credit System
  • *Define Who Debit Collectors Are and How They Work With The Credit Bureaus
  • *Learn How To Defeat Them
  • *Stop Judgement/Lawsuits From Debit Collectors.
  • *Increase Your Scores

I have some good news! I disputed 2 old items and got them removed, opened a self lender account just paying $25 a month, paid my open visa credit card to zero. My score jumped 20 points. Tomorrow I’m sending my first Debt letter for a direct tv bill in collections... I'm feeling really good and again I want to say to everyone STAY ENCOURAGED! And THANK YOU Sherry Beckley for what you are doing. Again what you so kindly share with us is helping me so much.

- Joi

I am sued by a collection agency in special civil court. I answered the lawsuit by a specific date said I did not order goods or services from them. Also I filed a counterclaim against the collection agency with the names of the president, vice predesint and the treasurer which is located on Better Business Bureau for $800 and defamation of character. There was a trial set by a specific date. I contacted their lawyer and told them that I will stop the lawsuit if the collection agency delete the trade line. The collection agency agreed with the terms. I couldn't have done without the help of Sherry Beckley. All the information she is giving to us is the truth and it works. Thank you.

- Hermener

Inquiry and debt validation letters out, and my CHECK $$$ From a collection agency that had to ( as per court order ) RUN ME MY $$$ back due to me disputing them in court!!!

- Jameel

Hi, I'm Sherry ! 

My credit journey began when i was 20 years old; I was a single parent looking to create passive income through real estate investment. I soon discovered how important credit truly is. 


Through my platform, I share my journey of trial and error from when I first learned to understand the credit system. My passion is to create informational content to teach listeners tips, techniques, and mistakes that I have learned the hard way so that my audience doesn’t have to. 

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